Monday, November 26, 2012

Craziness continues...

I really need to be more routine about updating this blog. For trend alerts and celebrity style, be sure to follow my posts on Stilorama's fashion blog:

In other personal fashion/retail news, I have just started working at Oxford Circus's flagship Topman in the suits department. It's quite a change working in menswear but so far I am really enjoying the experience.

I have also signed up for a short course in Fashion Journalism at UAL's Central Saint Martins. I'm pretty excited for the 8 week course (starts in January) and am hoping to learn a lot while also meeting people who can teach me more about getting into the field.

Ok well this was just a quick post to remind myself that I haven't totally forgotten about my little blog!! I know I need to be more disciplined. So much to do and so little time!!!!


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