Monday, November 26, 2012

Craziness continues...

I really need to be more routine about updating this blog. For trend alerts and celebrity style, be sure to follow my posts on Stilorama's fashion blog:

In other personal fashion/retail news, I have just started working at Oxford Circus's flagship Topman in the suits department. It's quite a change working in menswear but so far I am really enjoying the experience.

I have also signed up for a short course in Fashion Journalism at UAL's Central Saint Martins. I'm pretty excited for the 8 week course (starts in January) and am hoping to learn a lot while also meeting people who can teach me more about getting into the field.

Ok well this was just a quick post to remind myself that I haven't totally forgotten about my little blog!! I know I need to be more disciplined. So much to do and so little time!!!!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Places to observe London fashion since LFW is long over

While there are still so many areas of London that I have yet to explore, I have definitely found distinct style and personality in three very different areas. My favourite is probably Shoreditch’s trendy, hipster attitude. Located in east London, Shoreditch used to be fairly run down and far from a hipster’s paradise. But as is the case with many cities, Shoreditch’s time has finally come and it is now an oasis of vintage boutiques, quirky cafes, and grungey but way cool bars. You can find great fashion inspiration while relaxing on a bench in Hoxton Square or taking a walk down super trendy Brick Lane.While some consider Shoreditch’s trendsetting scene intimidating, I believe it is a crucial place for discovering what’s next as far as fashion is concerned. Seriously, anything goes in Shoreditch as long as it’s understated. East Londoners aren’t trying to be cool. They just are.

Camden Town is not for the faint of heart fashion-wise. It is truly alternative with a punky twist, making it an extremely interesting area to observe. Think Doc Martens and patched denim jackets with leather accents….everywhere. Beyond the people that saunter up and down Camden High Street, the market is worth a long browse. You can find such unique, one of a kind pieces and prints at the market stalls, along with truly vintage leather jackets and shoes. Camden is certainly edgy with vibe all of its own.

Perhaps the most generic and touristy area to observe fashion is of course Oxford Street. I can’t avoid mentioning the fashion famous street though because it truly is a completely out-of-this-world/never-know-what-you-might-see/real-time-city-catwalk-show (phew!) Yes, you can truly be overwhelmed by Oxford Street so I’ve broken it down to this: If you want to shop, go early. Very early. Like morning while everyone else is in work early. If you want to observe, however, go mid to late afternoon. Find yourself a cafĂ© with outdoor seating (bearing in mind the weather...meaning the rain), and just watch. If you try to observe people’soutfits while walking, you will get run over and essentially stampeded. Oxford Street presents a range of styles—foreign style due to the volume of tourists, high end fashion, fashion forward trendsetters hoping to be spotted, casual street-wear, and so on. Oxford Street is chaotic, it’s loud and it’s certainly fierce.
