Saturday, July 14, 2012

In the meantime, DIY denim

Oh dear it's mid July!! I know I have neglected posting recently but I packed up my life into two suitcases and left Washington, D.C. I am now in England, just outside of Bath trying to get my life sorted as I prepare to get work in London (fingers crossed...) Hopefully, I will know what is going on job-wise by the end of next week...!

I have been keeping up with blogging for Chloe Chic and Stilorama (a new blogging gig I got for an online fashion magazine based in London) so I am still writing and expanding!! But I'd like to keep this blog up-to-date too.

Anyway, as always, being immersed in a (relatively) new and different place provides sparks of inspiration. I feel inspired to return to some fiction pieces and perhaps even a sort of memoir/beginnings of a potentially longer piece writing-wise so that is good. I also feel fairly inspired fashion-wise. While I haven't done much shopping at all since arriving in Bath, I still see trends emerging here that are just starting to hit the U.S. Right now, I am obsessing over denim vests. This trend is in full swing here in England (despite the weather and lack of opportunities to sport a vest). Denim vests are in all the shops from Urban Outfitters to Topshop, New Look, etc. I  know that American Apparel just got denim vests in the week I was getting ready to leave so the trend is slowly hitting the U.S.

While I don't think I will actually spend money purchasing a denim vest (out of fear that my now being in the UK will prevent enough wear out of it), I am considering a DIY job. I have a short, cropped light denim jacket that I NEVER wear so I am thinking about simply cutting off the sleeves so that I can just have a denim vest. Maybe I will look at my denim jacket in a new, inspired light. Who knows. Perhaps I just have this urge due to this new fueled serge of inspiration...either way, I'll let you know. A lot of things are changing and a lot of things are about to happen...I'm definitely nervous but mainly excited. Let's hope this inspiration kick continues for a bit!!

Also, I don't think I've put it on here before but I am on Pinterest ( and I love that the website provides a lot of different DIY ideas. Check it out!!

I'm also on Twitter @nroth13
